
thing happened like, this:
We gat. in the van,and. I asked her what was going on*
She, said,'We're goin' on a joyride honey'and I said oh*
We. hauied booty out of the parking lot of the. Burdines store and got on the main road:,which I thought was a mistake,.but it tunned out all right when she got off and literally sailed right down an empty street and found our way on the interstate bound for Lakeland*Since there was no one there, we were able to drive over the median and head back to civilization *Wher we gat back was when the fun really started*
We waltzed through a parking lot and couldn't stop the van when there was a slight,.about five feet tall,hill.I thought the van would just fly right over that,but when we hit the bump„we went sailing through the air lika missle and would • have landed in a pile of barrels if Paula didn' t know how to drive so good..V/hen we landed,,there was a huge pile of empty barrels that were just barely visible, in the night*
As soon as they came, into view,she. twisted the life out of the steering wheel and only hit the back of the van* e both looked back to see what went wrong back there, and were shocked like, sockets when we saw that one of the back doors was completely gone and the other one was flapping wildly in the wind*"Go> close it."she said to me*
"Close it?I"i said franticalLy.When she didn't say anything back to me,I figured she was serious,.so I crawled back to the door and nearly slid right out the hack when she put the pedal, down even farther then before-.That made her laugh her pee brain out, for some reason*.fhere was no way I could get the door closed,so I insisted she stop and let me fix it.After a while,! got it so it wouldn't open again,and that's when I heard sirens in the distance*.We, were both scared stifif, and not afraid to say so*We both got back where we were sitting before,and I was getting ready to experience G-force*. When the van didn't move,Iturned to her and said,‘Let's gol!' and she said,'Not until you fasten your safety belt!*
I looked at her in amazement,and she started cackling.
- Author
- mark thomas